I've changed my term for what forms and energizes this world, from yesterday's "Ceaseless Creativity" to today's "Ceaselessly Creating". This is in keeping with Cooper's interpretation of the creator portrayed in Kabbalah. He helps us understand the energetic process by telling us, "God is a verb". The process of godding, as it were, a continual breathing of the world.
We still have the initials CC. Ceaselessly Creating.
Or Ceaselessly, creatively, creating, changing, charging, recharging, because there is no good creating, there is only good recreating. Aha. In the creation story, each day's creating was whole in itself.
And CC saw that it was good. And it was evening and it was morning, one day. There is a wholeness to the world at any point in time. It stands precarious, ready to change, by revolution or by evolution or by emergence or by CC or by CCC
I get asked here what my therapeutic approach is. I think I'll call it the Ki Tov approach. "Ki Tov" means that it was good, "And he saw ki tov", he saw that it was good. This implies that the world as it was each day, was whole and fine, just the way it was. I see each individual I work with as whole and good and fine and sturdy. And able to change.
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