Thursday, August 20, 2009

Each of us, be strong, each of us, let's waken

Larry writes to his wife of almost 60 years,now hooked up, unresponsive, to machinery and wires:
So Sharon,be strong, Sharon let’s waken
Remember that you're Sharon Enkin.
This comes today, at the beginning of the month of Elul, the month when we confront ourselves, and ask ourselves deeply, am I becoming my own best self?
In order to find the Reb Zusya story, without knowing how to spell Zusya, I Googled, "Why weren't you more like Reb", and found this version: (of course, we will use the term, "ceaseless creativity" where appropriate)
" Time for a story: one of my favorites, about a Hasidic
master of the 18th century, named Reb Zusya.
Reb Zusya sat one day, around the High Holidays, in
the Beit Midrash, the house of study, despondent: crying and
carrying on. His students, upon hearing his cries, asked him
why he was so upset.
“I had a vision,” Reb Zusya began, “that when I reach
my life’s end, the angels of the Heavenly court will ask me
about my life. I am so afraid they will ask me the most difficult
question of all. They will not ask me ‘Why were you not like
Abraham, the first man to recognize the true God?’ Nor will
they ask me ‘Why were you not more like Moses, our great-
est leader, who took us out of Egypt and brought us the great
teachings from Mt. Sinai?’ No – they will ask me the question
that has me shaking in my boots:
“What question is that?” the students could not fathom
what it could be. They leaned in as Reb Zusya answered, “The
angels will ask me, why weren’t you more like Reb Zusya?”
This story teaches us that there is nothing, no power
we can be given, greater than our own potential. Long before
the “me” generation, there was the idea that each one of us
is living our life for the reason of fulfilling our own potential.
Abraham, Moses, Miriam – indeed all the figures who shaped
our history are examples to us to be sure. However, each
one of us has our own unique potential to make the world a
place where God’s presence dwells. As Ron Wolfson says
in his book God’s To Do List – “In God’s grand design, each
human being has a unique contribution to make, a special
way to do God’s work on earth. Each human being is a full
partner with God in the ongoing work of creation."

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