Monday, January 2, 2017

Relax! Nothing is Under Control

She who makes Himalayas and butterfly's wings knows her stuff. Let her be in charge for awhile. I think today's blog may be a secular and useful religion. For people who want to stay in a rational sphere, people allergic to any references to a divine (don't press exit! I promise, no more of that word. This will be this-world, here talk.) The useful messages and life style from religion, and how we can bring them into secular life. Demarcating the times. Setting aside times for rest, times for wonder. As in the top sentence here, Letting Go. Relax! Nothing is under control. There is a very useful Jewish prayer that could well come into secular lifestyle: at night you hand over all of your burden, your plannings, your worries, your unsolved questions. Trusting, you leave these in good hands. And in the morning you express gratitude that your mind is back on duty and that the universe has faith in you to take on your load again. I'll go find my children's book by Byrd Baylor, The Way to Start the Day. But this moment, I'love start my day. Grateful to have woken up, grateful to have my full and huge package of things to think about and things to do.

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