Tala is earnestly learning and practicing for her Bat Mitzvah. Her teacher, the wonderful Morah Sandy Corenblum, wrote, "When Tala sings the words of Torah the angels are weeping I am sure." I've known and loved Tala's sweetness since the day she was born, and her mother Jayda has been an inspiration to me forever. Tala's Bat Mitzvah will be on Tu B'Shevat, the New Year of the Trees, a fitting time for a mother and daughter who so love flowers and trees and the beautiful things of this world. When Jayda told me her plan to bring Tala to Israel next summer, I knew immediately how we could have a happy and beautiful time, swimming at the Sachneh, splashing in the waterfalls at Ein Gedi, floating in the crazy bouyancy of the Dead Sea and jumping the waves at the beach beside our house. And Netanya has the best ice cream this side of Victoria. But I want to share with Tala the miracle significance of the land of Israel too. I have an idea. I will try, from now until Tu B'Shevat, to write a little note each day to her, about Israel and about Am Yisrael. It may be right here on To Life!, or it may become a separate blog called, "When Tala Sings".
To Tala! To the words spoken to Abraham when this land was first promised to him, "And you will be a blessing". Tala, you are a blessing.
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