Jung says few, if any, of our decisions are made by the conscious mind. The psyche, that other 99 per cent, is steering us just as much now in our evidence-based rational world, as it ever was. What strong magnet pulls us home? A young boy leaves the rocks where he caught fish with his hands, looked out at Mediterranean waves, conferred with Jonah and the whale. He makes a home far across the sea. What pulls him back, to open, at age 58, a bistro mere steps away from the seaside rocks where he once caught fish with his hands, and sat for hours and hours on the rocks by the sea, until his mom called out, "Benino! Benino! It's time to come home!"
We plan. And our own psyche laughs and laughs and laughs.
Tomorrow night, our chefs will cook for a gathering of relatives, overseen and inspired by Benino, who has come home.
We plan. And our own psyche laughs and laughs and laughs.
Tomorrow night, our chefs will cook for a gathering of relatives, overseen and inspired by Benino, who has come home.
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