Wednesday, January 27, 2010


It's such an amazing experience, to see high professionalism in action. Last night I watched a small kitchen in efficient tripletime frenzy, handing colourful Miro-esque plates of food to alert, attentive servers. A dance, a theatre show, a thrill of flavours. And at the end of an incredibly challenging evening, serving the very guests that are most dear and important to us, did the staff go home? Let me tell you, they shined the place spotless, and then sat down for an adhoc, on the spot, self-declared staff meeting, chefs and servers and bartenders and team manager, to go over every grain of risotto, every bump and every perfect warm chocolate souffle with a chili and espresso ganache centre served with our own vaniglia gelato on a hill of caramelized walnuts.
If this were a Bat Mitzvah, we'd say, "Ah! It all worked", and go to sleep. But Benino Bistro now setting the tables for Sunday breakfast.

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