Let me see the world with brand newborn clean astonished eyes, this fresh new 2017. Let words be only feeble pointers toward notions, notions being new things and not tired; words being worn in and comfortable. A word has been used already, for someone else's thoughts. And mine are new.
Let me never once assume that these words of mine have conveyed to someone else, this sparking new thought of mine. For each person has his own old and comfortable, or not so comfortable but at least we're used to it, meaning for each word. Let me stand far out on the diving board of words this 2017. Let me stretch meanings as wide as love's arms can stretch. Let me find new ways of getting across what I am newly thinking. Outside of boxes and swimming in fresh thawed glaciers, new waters that were solid ice just moments ago. Let me invent, this year, new modes.
New Year's Resolution for 2017. To enter every dialogue wide open to learning, to clarifying my own notions, and most of all, to be ready for a shift in my notions.
"Scout" Listening, the kind of curious, open listening we do when we truly intend to learn. Not "Soldier" Listening, on guard to defend every inch of our preconceived notions.
Oh, and the loudness and the passion that attend energetic dialogue are just fine. They are a sign that we care enough to learn.
" For last years words belong to last year's language and Next years' words await another voice and to make an end is to make a beginning" T.S. Eliot
No sense of "entitlement". I will never ever just assume that the words I send forth from this idiosyncratic oneofakind being that I am, will travel safely and unharmed into the other person's ears. I will send off each word with a small blessing: Travel like the milkweed seed, dear word. May gentle winds carry you, rains germinate you in welcome fields. May you sprout and grow. Words, I let you go. Travel well dear words.
Our house has been so filled with beautiful people and songs and food this past year, it's fitting somehow that tonight'/ New Year's Party was the two of us, velvety, loving, soft. One very big lobster for the two of us, eaten noisily. And then karaoke by the fire, we two singing our little souls big and hearty to Simon and Garfunkle and Jeffreson Airplane. Don't you want somebody to love. I have somebody to love. Plus I have so many many people to love in that friendship kind of love. I also reviewed the events and the visitors of the past year, and felt replete with the many many relatives that have come to Victoria. Good night 2016. You've been good to us.
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