Israel changes a little bit whenever Alex Jadad is here. Like circleripples around a bright bobbing centre, we all take on a little of the energetic optimism that comes from believing in our own possibility, and in our own duty to visualize big, and then bigger, and then to follow through, enlisting the creative energies of the people in powerful places, so that visions can dance, reshape and realize. Why wouldn't the most influential people listen to me?
I once read, "If you wish you could a find a certain character quality in yourself, act as if you had that quality. Soon, you will find that in the doing, you actually do have the quality".
I wish I had sticktoitiveness.
So stick to a project you started. And poof. Right before your eyes, there is the quality!
I wish I had the sense of perspective, to see the daily complications of living in Israel, as background noise that just has to be dealt with. And to see the bigger shape of things bright and large and more important. Like Alex and Martha do.
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