Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Related by Chance

Alex recalls my father commenting about some of us being related by genes, others related by memes or related by chance. You could say that all of us are related by chance. Or that none of us are. Either the laws of nature are working, or they're not. Help me with a quotation please. Was it Einstein I'm trying to quote? Did he say, "There are only two tenable assumptions. Either everything is chance, or nothing is". Can Emergence and Beshert theory tell us that if you had enough information you could predict everything that will happen?
"If we had been here first and then set the criteria for a very perfect (G‑d) or (creativity pattern) certainly one of our requirements would be that He be logical and understandable.

But He was here first. As for logic, that came later." Tzvi Freeman

1 comment:

  1. "Can Emergence and Beshert theory tell us that if you had enough information you could predict everything that will happen?"

    I would rephrase the question, to 'can emergence and beshert coeixt. If beshert is true, then Laplace was right, and you (or his demon) could predict everything. if Beshert is false, then your dilemma is between deism and emergence.

    Or perhaps the real dilemma is whether or not I am now correctly phrasing the question.

