Thursday, December 4, 2008

and the Joy of Living

"Eagerly savour each new day
and the taste of its mouth.
Never lose sight of the thrill
and the Joy of Living"
I will offer a taste thrill each day, along with my reflections on life in Israel.
For Israel is a feast
Eretz chemda, tova, urchava.
Today's taste"
On a charcoal barbecue, real coals, grill small black shiny eggplants, and bright red peppers. Grill them black. Slide the blackened skin off, and lay them nicely on a platter. Pour velvety techina (sesame paste, blended with water and lemon, that's all) generously, lavishly, over the whole thing, letting the beautiful eggplants and peppers peak enticingly through. Serve with hot fresh pitas.
That's how you
Eagerly savour each new day
and the taste of its mouth.

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