Toronto's squeegee kids stand at intersections, and pounce unbidden at your windshield, to clear your view. Instead of dreadlocks and tiedye, the youngsters at Israel's intersections sport payis and black velvet keepas. They have a different way of wiping off your windshield, clearing your view: just the amount of Torah they can squeeze in before the light turns green. Sometimes these guys are remarkably on the mark. On a particularly bothersome day of Israel's infamous bureaucratic red tape, our squeegee Torah man gave us this quick and useful thought. "When someone is really bugging you, know that this person is a messenger, bringing you the opportunity to be your best self. Be grateful for this chance, to see your qualities of patience, problem-solving, persuasion, compassion, tolerance, kindness. That nudnik is an angel, bringing you the chance to be the person you aspire to be". Ah! In this part of the world, there are angels everywhere you turn!
Today's photo is by Eleanor Enkin. Permission pending?
permission granted