"Maalit" means "Elevator". And, of course, "Shir HaMaalot" is the familiar "Song of Ascents" in the Book of Psalms. "Shir HaMaalit", a sort of psalm of the elevator, is one of the many phrases my psyche has served to me, to teach me the ancient stirrings that resonate in Israel's hightech highrise present. A Psalm of the Elevator is not so far removed from the original. You may be thinking that the biblical "Song of Ascents" refers to some sort of spiritual elevation to heights of pure, ecstatic connection with the Divine. But in reality, these were a series of words to say on each stone step as you climbed up to the Temple in Jerusalem. A panel of verbal buttons to press as your dusty, thisworld feet walked the walk, climbed the climb. Does "Ascents" refer to the the physical climb or the spiritual climb? Yes. The answer is "Yes". One hundred percent physical. One hundred percent spiritual. Like every climb we ever do. Why? Because it's there.
My psyche proclaimed this modern day physicospiritual climb again and again in the car on the way to Tzfat:
The road to Tzfat
This way
That way
Look! Kinneret to your right.
Look! Kinneret to your left.
Look! Kinneret to your right.
It all depends
On where you are
Along the journey.
It all depends
On your point of you.
Shir HaMaalot
A Song of Ascents.
On the road up to Tzfat
Mommy’s ears popped.
“I’m not even short of breath”,
Realized Daddy
As we lifted ourselves
Higher and higher
to the elevated city.
Automatic steering
Makes the ascent a breeze.
Ah yes, I remember it well