Now the wind is holding me
Clears my mind so easily
Open open to the song
Wind and Sea have sung so long
I am carried by the sea
Something broken mends in me
Hold me til the day I die
Stone and Sand and Sea and Sky
Rose Vaughn
Wherever we live, we open our home to singers and musicians, so we have had front row seats to some amazing talents. To this past Thursday's song circle, our beloved Liron Mann, who plays that mystical flying saucer of a musical creation, the pantang, brought along the astounding SanYa Kroitor, a fiery young Israeli Paganini. What sparks rose, as the two lifted "Shir Hamaalot, Esa Einai" to the firework passion young King David must have felt that day he first sang those words.
Check out http:www.saniakroitor.com/video.htm
the real chamber music