A dreamy run in sunshine, along the shoreline, barefoot in the waves, in December. From the beach by our house you can see the shoreline for miles and miles up and down the coast. Feels like you see the whole coastline of Israel, quiet, serene, playful, sunny. I came home, shook off sand, and as I always first do, touched Canada for a moment by checking my email. And in today's Globe and Mail from Canada, I read about Israel: "Hopes for Peace Overrun by Endless Conflict. Neither the Israelis nor the Palestinians are likely to stop the violence." What no-tikva words! "Hopes for Peace Overrun". "Endless".
That line wouldn't appear in an Israeli paper. Hatikva, the hope, is the fuel that keeps this place running. "Israel is the land where miracles are part of state planning". You wouldn't read here, ever, words that say other than, "Yihyeh tov". It will be good, it will all be fine. It will. To Life ! To Hope ! Let's get to work ! I have a job to do here.
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